From your own garden to a planet that feels a little better

At Esatto, we like startups, but we know that it often involves major challenges with both time and resources, which are often limited. So how do you create a strategy that gives results through what we do in everyday life and that also creates better profitability? With Gardenize, we worked through just such a model - from the future to everyday life.

Gardenize supports your home garden

Gardenize is the startup company that was founded in 2015 to solve the problem that most gardeners recognize: remembering what plants you have and where you have them. The solution became an app that makes it possible to take better care of our planet through our home crops. With knowledge and support, Gardenize makes that plant feel a little better, which makes life a little easier for that bee, which in turn means that that other flower is pollinated and feels good. And so it goes on. With small-scale home cultivation, we pull together our straw to the big stack - biodiversity.

Gardenize helps us keep track of our home garden and all the different plants that are there. The app collects information about your plants, growing places and what you do in the garden. Are you more curious about the Latin names, or why there are even Latin names, Gardenize also supports there. Or maybe you are simply in need of new inspiration and to follow your garden friends to see what they do? In short - here is all the knowledge and support you need to better take care of your home garden.

From future to today

Esatto and Gardenize have worked together through Esatto's model From future to today. It consists of several interconnected levels that together aim to create a strategy that gives results through what we do in everyday life.

Broadly speaking, it is about being in the Future - that is, in what context Gardenize should be successful. The next step is “Ledstjärna”, so why dose Gardenize exist. In the next phase, we enter Strategy, ie what should we be based on a guiding star and future vision. Finally, this lands in focus, tactics and activities that govern how work is prioritized in everyday life.

We know that time and resources are rare for start-ups, but we also know that misuse of resources and doing the wrong thing will be even more expensive in the long run. That's why we work with this model - because it is when a strategy can guide us in everyday life that we can create better profitability, at the same time as that bee makes the planet a little better. We think it is clearly a sustainable business.

The next phase is about designing solutions based on the focus and tactics we have developed in the strategy. It ranges all the way from branding and marketing to technology and architecture.

It has been a pleasure to work with Esatto and we are very pleased with the result. Together, we compiled thoughts in a rough guiding star, our strategy, a prioritized tactical board and have a lot of valuable input to enter the prototype and development phase of the concept of onboarding. That is our goal!

Jenny Rydebrink, Owner and founder of Gardenize
Mats Björk