Niam's new home on the web

Niam is one of the Nordics' largest real estate fund companies with offices in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Luxembourg. In connection with a major branding effort, Niam asked us at Esatto to help them develop their new website.

A new visual identity and branding platform

Initially, we learnt the new brand platform and updated visual identity from the brand agency Grow, and then did various analyzes of existing and future needs in various digital tools and workshops with Niam.

In an agile process with cross-functional teams, we have iterated different solutions and design views in Figma where, together with Niam, we evaluated, rejected and refined functions, flows and content of the new website. The visual identity has come to life with the further development of micro-animations, accessibility-adapted colors, etc.

The user experience in focus

In the work with UX, design and technology, we have strived to create a strong user experience that will better communicate to Niam's primary target groups and their needs – institutional and private investors, corporate customers and partners as well as existing and new talent.

After a technical feasibility study and interviews with stakeholders at Niam, the choice of platform fell on Umbraco, a flexible solution for managing content, both today and in the future.

Fredrik Hildebrand
CMO & Strateg