The Swedish Kennel Club's new website sits nice

To serve many target groups with different needs, and make the content-rich website easy to navigate. There were two challenges in the work with the Swedish Kennel Club's new website. And the result fits, and sits, nicely.

The Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) is an interest organization that represents all dogs and dog owners in Sweden. SKK today houses more than 1,000 clubs and has approximately 300,000 paying members.

SKK spreads information, educates, raises debate and shows the great joy and benefit of owning a dog.

Lots of interests and lots of content

SKK's members have varying interests and levels of knowledge. On the new web ordinary dog ​​owners mingle with breeders, judges, officials and dog sportsmen. There is thus a large amount of content on the web to serve the various groups. But how would we take care of the various interests of the many target groups and at the same time create a website that is simple and easy to navigate, where each user will find exactly what they are looking for? That was one of the main challenges before creating a new website. A clearer brand experience and a better editor experience were also on the wish list.

"With our new site, we can more clearly communicate our message for healthy dog ​​ownership and achieve the goals of our Vision 2030 strategy."

Kees de Jong, CEO Swedish Kennel Club

Together – in a great organisation

In the work on the new website, involvement was high on the agenda. Employees from all SKK's various departments participated in order to be able to make the right decision, both based on user and business needs. To land on how the new web would work and be experienced, we worked together in workshops and creative exercises. At the top of the to-do list was the definition of impact goals as well as target groups and their needs. User journeys, brand issues and other strategic issues were also on the table. And since the content was central, we worked closely with SKK's Content Manager in both design and requirements.

Hundresan – a hiking trail for dog owners

The result of the work was the concept "Hundresan - a hiking trail with five stations". The concept aims to meet the unique needs of a large number of users and at the same time be relevant in the "station" the respective user is in. The Hundresa can be interpreted and used from several different perspectives, but primarily it is used to bring order to the information structure and function based on the respective visitor's dog habit.

The concept was worked out in sketches, visual design and a list of functional requirements. Optimizely was chosen as the technology platform for its powerful support for editors, the ability to personalize content, and its scalable and robust infrastructure. Now the iterative process of developing the website could be set in motion.

A future-proof platform

In May 2024, the new went live and the response was not long in coming. The new structure, a more airy content and a fast experience are some of the things users have appreciated. Not least, SKK now also has a platform where new services can be progressively introduced in the future.

- With our new site, we can more clearly communicate our message for healthy dog ​​ownership and achieve the goals in our strategy Vision 2030. Esatto has been and is a knowledgeable and responsive partner and I look forward to our continued cooperation, says SKK's CEO Kees de Jong.

We at Esatto say Voff is a good collaboration and obediently wait to take on more challenges together with the Swedish Kennel Club.

Magnus Kerner
es.ottase@renrek.sungam073-341 53 12